Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy December!

Oh, the weather outside isn't frightful... in fact, it's quite delightful! 

 After getting quite a bit of rain and chilly temperatures, we have been blessed these past few days with some wonderful, sunny weather here in East Tennessee... today is supposed to be near 70! Great day for a walk! We know that winter will eventually arrive, but for now, we're enjoying the mix. Fall was beautiful, and winter is bound to be lovely as well. We did get a few flurries the other day, and we all ran outside like little kids to see some huge flakes falling from the sky! It hasn't been cold enough for anything to stick, but we're excited to see how everything looks dressed in white. :)

This quarter has been going well, for which we are very thankful! Lee's classes this quarter are: Synoptics II, Christian Evidences, Greek II, Missions I, Bible Geography, Timothy-Titus, Exodus-Deuteronomy, and English II. All of the instructors are excellent and you can just see how much they care about each student. We are thankful to God to have this wonderful opportunity to study under these wonderful men. The wives' class for this quarter is Old Testament Survey, taught by Teresa Hampton. It has been an excellent class; taught by a sister who is a lovely example of what a true Christian lady should be. We are so blessed!

One of the biggest treats we've had recently is that Julia's mom and sister came to visit us! It had been just over a year since we last saw each other, so it was a wonderful reunion. We enjoyed having them with us for about two weeks and were sad to see them go, but so very grateful to have spent time together.

Isn't family great?! 

We're also very, very excited about our upcoming trip to Oklahoma to visit family and friends there over our Christmas break! We are overwhelmed with the goodness of our God and the blessings He has given us. Not only do we have everything we need physically, but we are blessed beyond measure with a wonderful family that loves Him. Remember to hug your families and to thank our God for them! Instead of making the holiday season revolve around gluttony and materialism, let's all use the time we've been given to enjoy our loved ones and to thank our Lord for making it all possible!

Our love to you all,