This Saturday marks our one year anniversary - it's been a wonderful year! We have loved living here together in Rush Springs and getting to know so many great people. The brethren here at Rush and the surrounding communities will always hold a very special place in our hearts. We're so thankful for all the love and support they've given us - especially as we prepare to leave for East Tennessee.
We also would be grateful if you would keep us in your prayers as we make our trip to Tennessee. We will be stopping in Mississippi to visit one of our supporting congregations and some friends along the way, so we are planning to arrive in TN on Monday. We'll be pulling a trailer with our belongings and hauling a bunch of frozen beef that was a gift from Lee's parents with us, so we have quite a load of blessings! A big "thank you" to our brother-in-law Scott for making this snazzy bed-cover for our truck!
Of course we have mixed feelings about leaving... On one hand, we're sad to be leaving family and friends, and it will be hard to say goodbye to them. We'll miss you all terribly!
How we feel about saying goodbye :( |
But on the other hand, we are so happy and excited about this opportunity we have to go to school together and learn more about God's amazing Word! Thank you to each of our supporters for making this possible.
How we feel about going to school together! :) |
We look forward to meeting a lot of new friends and learning some truly valuable lessons during our time in Tennessee and we feel confident that our loving God will continue to bless us as He already has SO abundantly! What a wonderful Father we have!
May you all have a wonderful day in His service!